Luisa Greig

Canine Myotherapist
McTimoney Animal Therapist
Red light therapy
Canine Myotherapist
McTimoney Therapist
Red light therapy
Multimodal musculoskeletal therapist providing specialist, highly effective, holistic treatment for your dog, a knowledgable, supportive and kind approach, and expert advice. Chronic pain, postural, movement and mobility issues, lameness, performance issues, preventative and maintenance treatment.
Luisa Greig

Canine Myotherapist
McTimoney Therapist
Red light therapy
Multimodal musculoskeletal therapist providing specialist, highly effective, holistic treatment for your dog, a knowledgable, supportive and kind approach, and expert advice. Chronic pain, postural, movement and mobility issues, lameness, performance issues, preventative and maintenance treatment.
Luisa Greig

Canine Myotherapist
McTimoney Therapist
Red light therapy
Multimodal musculoskeletal therapist providing specialist, highly effective, holistic treatment for your dog, a knowledgable, supportive and kind approach, and expert advice. Chronic pain, postural, movement and mobility issues, lameness, performance issues, preventative and maintenance treatment.
Luisa Greig Canine Therapist

Are you ready to help your dog feel more comfortable, improve their mobility and quality of life, optimise their performance, and empower yourself with expert yet practical knowledge and guidance? Then let’s get started...

With over 11 years in practice, and a range of therapeutic modalities and techniques at my fingertips treating both the muscular and skeletal systems, you can be assured of a comprehensive, skillful, kind and knowledgeable approach, and high standard of care and ethics. I never use restraint during my treatments, and strongly advocate a choice led, empathic and sensitive approach to working with dogs.

I am so passionate about what I do, and helping both you and your beautiful dogs. I strive to provide a compassionate, down to earth, professional, holistic and approachable service. I understand that seeking support may feel worrying for a number of reasons, and aim to help both you and your dog feel safe and at ease.

Luisa x
When our dog presents with an issue or set of signs it can sometimes be challenging to know what’s going on, and what treatment route to take.

Muscular issues are not ordinarily detectable by veterinary imaging such as x-rays, and their signs are often so subtle that they can go unnoticed, or are simply accepted or dismissed as habitual or an inevitable part of ageing. For this reason myotherapy is often hugely effective in treating issues whereby veterinary diagnostics have not identified a cause.

Left untreated and undetected, muscular issues can cause huge pain, mobility, postural and movement issues, profoundly affecting dogs’ quality of life. In fact, we therapists most commonly see dogs once they start presenting with an obvious problem such as a lameness, when in fact these are usually the end result of long term unseen ‘wind up’ and accumulation of what is often a minor issue that originally started months or years ago.

I see dogs for a huge range of reasons, from preventative and maintenance check ups that highlight any minor issues early, performance issues in working dogs, dogs with a range of musculoskeletal conditions such as arthritis, hip dysplasia, IVDD, spondylosis, and patella luxation to name only a few.

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